Since I am in China, and have a medical background in nursing, I am very curious about their traditional medicine. I have a friend at ELIC / Hong Kong named Anita who has had some success with this type of treatment, so I figured what's the harm in trying some of these natural remedies instead of always taking an inhaler and a few pills each day.
What's my diagnosis you may ask? Well the thing I appreciate is that the FIRST thing the Chinese doctor will think about is your environment. What's wrong w/ my environment? Dust mites. Possibly. The first step is to wrap my mattress in saran wrap- the mattress i have here has to be very old and yucky so I can see how that might help. I feel "gunkier" when I wake up, so that would logically point to something in my bedroom, in the states and here, and we all have dust mites (eewwww!!) So maybe that's my allergy? So allergy/mild asthma remains my diagnosis... one that probably will never go away (but can pray for the miracle of that) and the challenge is to manage the environment so that there is the least amount irritant possible.
The best part of the visit was this conversation we had as she was writing my prescription so that my "chi" will no longer be blocked- that's my other diagnosis. (Explanation of that is a whole 'nother blog for a whole 'nother day.)
DR: "Are you a vegetarian?"
ME: "NO..."
ANITA: "What does that mean that you are putting in her medicine?"
DR: "Some insect!"
Above you see the packet of powder that I mix with hot water and drink twice a day. Tastes like dirt. I will go for follow up on Monday and we'll see what's next. It takes some time to tweak it but I am quite fascinated by how this could possibly help me feel better. I'm sure I will have more to share on this topic after Monday. Also, as with any relationship, please think of Anita and I as there have already been some light/life-giving conversations with this doctor, and for that purpose, trying a little insect and whatever-else-mixture is worth it.
...I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings. 1 Cor 9:22-23