I dont know if you've been around someone who can't breathe- they struggle, they fight to get relief from the lack of oxygen, they work ten times harder than a person without the breathing problem and if there is no intervention, they continue to work too hard. It's a deadly cycle where they can get more and more exhausted as every breath becomes harder and harder. the lack of oxygen may even make them act a little crazy! it they are left to their own ends, they will eventually pass out. They need HELP! They are desperate! Eventually the person would stop breathing or pass out. They would stop fighting because they couldn't do it anymore. All energy and resources they had would have run out and their only hope is assistance from an outside source. They need something external to breathe life in- a machine or another human- but whatever source it is... it took giving up and maybe even a little pain and fright to get to this point. And then when it is most needed- at the edge of perishing- oxygen from a good reliable source is breathed in and it becomes life to the once suffocating victim. They couldn't live without it, but they just needed someone to breathe FOR them. Past that the analogy doesn't keep because hopefully the person would be revived and off the ventilator and on their own again.
I like to consider myself a ventilated person- this life is not my own but that of Jesus. Without him I do not have the energy to live... in fact, it's impossible. Satan may sometimes have me fooled that life can be lived without Jesus, but the reality of that is there is NO LIFE apart from Him! Reality is HIM! Eternity is now and forever (and the past for that matter) in Jesus. Whatever not done in faith will not last but be burned. Real life, real satisfaction is him. Jesus is IT! HE is your deepest need! more than a meal, more than exercise, more that money, HE IS IT!
JESUS is your LOVE (Dear Jesus, be love to me, love me through me love others through me because I am dead apart from you, be love)
JESUS is your JOY (Dear Jesus, You are alive in me and Make me alive in your Joy. You ARE my joy! )
Jesus IS your PEACE (Dear One who made peace between me and Father- Reign in my heart because you ARE the definition of Peace)
He is your patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. He is all these things and all these things are a PERSON!
LOVE is a PERSON, alive in you, and His name is Jesus!
Tap into the PERSON that lives His life in and through you!
I received this awesome story from my precious friend (yeah, white house Rambo!) from Blue Like Jazz:
"A guy I know named Alan went around the country asking ministry leaders questions. He went to successful churches and asked the pastors what they were doing, why what they were doing was working. It sounded very boring except for one visit he made to a man named Bill Bright, the president of a big ministry. Alan said he was a big man, full of life, who listened without shifting his eyes. Alan asked a few questions. I don't know what they were, but as a final question he asked Dr. Bright what Jesus meant to him. Alan said Dr. Bright could not answer the question. He said Dr. Bright just started to cry. He sat there in his big chair behing his big desk and wept.
When Alan told me that story I wondered what it was like to love Jesus that way. I wondered, quite honestly, if that Bill Bright guy was just nuts or if he really knew Jesus in a personal way, so well that he would cry at the very mention of His name. I knew then that I would like to know Jesus like that, with my heart, not just my head. I felt like that would be the key to something."
How awesome would it be to know Jesus in that way? Lost without Him. He IS our direction and purpose.
Depressed without Him. He IS our JOY.
Nothing withough Him. He IS our EVERYTHING!