Hold up.
Did she just say that? What happened to love? What is true love anyway? I think the bach. himself put it best when he told her she was putting the cart before the horse. How does she see relationships? A necessary means to getting what she wants?
Hmm. How often do we maintain friendships our relationships to get what we want for ourselves is the opposite of what I think God made relationships for.
How disheartening would it be to find that someone married you just so they could have your kids, or someone befriended you just so they would ride in your car (ha. right) or just so they could get in with your other friends. . . had an eye on someone else? All that is entering into a relationship for selfish reasons, and then it's a big cycle of being disappointed, and sucking the life out of one another, never experiencing what true love is meant to be (from God's perspective, of course!).
He pursues us because He loves us, in fact, He IS love! It just pours out of Him and onto us if we will just receive it. He didn't call us His children for us to serve Him, to do things FOR Him, or so that He could get something out of us. (Although these are honorable things when done with a pure heart).
It is simply the nature of God to LOVE. And I think He has set a precedent for relationships through that. I enjoy a relationship most when I find I have the ability to make the other person happy. It's not about getting my needs met (such and the need to feel loved, accepted, significant, etc) but it's about receiving from Love Himself and out of that fullness giving in with great joy to those around me. And somehow I am gratified even more when a face lights up or a heart is changed. I think God feels the same way. How exhausting is it to try and draw out of a human what only GOD can do? So often we find ourselves waiting on what we can get or how we can please someone because we are deceiving, thinking that we need their approval. God says that's backwords. It's idols.
There is no better life than one that is lived unto God. Face to face with the creator of the universe. It brings perspective to this life so that we don't sweat the small stuff and are freed up to enjoy the fullness of joy in His presense and loving people because He first loved us-in a magnificent indescribable out of the box kind of way.
Lord You are better than all this world has to offer...