I said:
God> used [this tough thing in your life] to accomplish HIS purpose:
which is intimacy by way of a deeper> dependence springing out of an even
deeper NEED! praise the Lord to be> living (and believing) at the utter END
of your SELF! that lovely tension> that feels like you're gonna fall flat on
your face but somehow someway He's> got you.... and sooner than later you
enjoy this once umcomfortable position> because HE is doing the work and you
are just leaning into HIDING in HIM!> > praise Jesus for your life
and the hard stuff and the easy... going through> this i pray will continue
to awaken you to your need for Him, a desperate> one at that, even in the
pleasant times because you remember where you> really stand when all is
stripped totally. That's what GOD operates out of:> totally unashamed
barenakedness yet covered in Him alone.Total dependence> for everything... HE
is the vine and you are the branch! Yay! I see he has> "finally" -goh- come
after you!> > i love you
She responded:
that is it. He's got me to a place where I feel SO
uncomfortable.exposed even. and it FEELS like I'm walking on the edge of a cliff
attimes and I don't even know (symbollically) how to call for help. It'slike I
don't even know how to pray anymore. I'm completely disabled.But the Lord in His
faithfulness reminded me that "the Spirit alsohelps in our weaknesses. For we do
not know what we should pray for aswe ought, but the Spirit Himself makes
intercession for us withgroanings which cannot be uttered...He makes
intercession for thesaints according to the will of God." It is totally NOT up
to me towalk by the Spirit. Later in the chapter, Paul says that if the Spiritof
Christ is in me, then my body is dead because of sin, but theSpirit is life
because of righteousness. It's a matter of walking byFAITH to know that even
though (like in Romans 7) I don't understandwhat I do, for "what I will to do,
that I do not practice; but what Ihate, that I do." This is my heart: "For I
DELIGHT in the law of Godaccording to the inward man. But I see another law in
my members,warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity
tothe law of sin which is in my members"...He will deliver me!! I'm justgonna
have to trust that HE is in charge of the LIFE of CHRIST withinme and that I'm
just a partaker in this life. I give up. It's sostrange and boy does it ever
keep getting stranger - but I give up forthe rest of my life. you can definitely
say that my relationship andmy walk with the Lord is a unique one - definitely
not what I sawcoming. ha! but I will trust taht He is bringing me to a place
that isimpossible to get to without going this road. i will trust. i
willtrust.love you more