It's so subtle and it puts chains on us when our worship goes to our friends, our family, our grades, and our performance. It's when all those have the power to determine our lives and our dispositions, because they DO NOT!! Only when we give them that power are we slaves to them. (to what others think, etc)
JESUS is all powerful.
HE is in control.
HE sings over us! HE LOVES us! He is ENOUGH for us!
HE is reality and this life is but a vapor in the grand scheme of things.
The Kingdom is coming here on earth and He moves our hearts to Himself. When those things that 'bother' us or those people 'hurt our feelings' I pray that this will continue to move us to the heart of God and it will move us to receive and LIVE by what HE says about us! "You are a saint, dearly beloved, child of Mine! In me you have ALL you NEED for life and godliness. I love you more than you know"
And He should know- He did make us. He knows all our thoughts and ways and still loves us. He is the perfect source for life. Christ is ALL and is in ALL. Amen and Amen.
Your reality is that you share in the greatest relationship ever: If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are aboe, not on things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Col 3:1-2) You are one with the creator of the universe! Do not receive unto yourself what the world throws at you- HE is better. Do not run yourself ragged trying to earn the approval of others, for this is impossible. He finds you approved because of what Christ has already done. You owe Him nothing- you are righteous according to Him. That is who you are, and if that is who you are then that is how you live- by your identity. Let Him convict you of your righteousness, for that is your name!
Go and be free in Christ. Enjoy Him and receive all He is offering you : wholeness, completeness, HIMSELF.